Monday, May 12, 2008

Is This Your Photo?

I ran Picasa and found many orphans on my computer. This is my grandfather. If I publish a book on fishing, I'll use it and set aside money in case the photographer comes forward. It's going to be a fair price because I couldn't do anything less than what's fair. I'll even "pad" the budget a bit to compensate the photographer for use without prior permission. Everyone will be happy. Right?

I don't know what side to take reading the House and Senate Orphan Works bills. Gene Mopsik talked to me about it for awhile in Arizona two weeks ago. I'm still glazing over.

Why can't things remain as they are? Isn't killing the bill altogether an option? ASMP says please refrain from writing; APA says take action by writing your members of Congress to voice your concerns.

What is a photographer's rep/agency consultant/writer/book packager to do? Go fishing, apparently.